Introduction: The Challenge of Balancing Medicine and Management You’re probably a doctor running an office, or multiple, while also doing your job that you went to school for – applying your medical craft. In this article, we’ll address how the stress of this can lead to burnout, fast. But I’ll not leave it there. There […]
Mastering Healthcare Practice Efficiency: The Power of an Effective Executive System

In the fast-paced world of healthcare and professional practices, the ability to adapt, grow, and thrive is essential. Yet, as practices expand, many professionals are stretched thin, juggling numerous responsibilities without a clear strategy for success. This situation is where the power of an effective executive system comes into play. Here, we will cover the […]
10 Essential Components of an Effective Personnel System

Silkin Management Group has been aiding medical practitioners in enhancing their practices for decades. While various concerns have shifted over time, not having an effective personnel system has consistently posed challenges for practices. Regardless of the era, economy, or circumstances, managing personnel remains a significant hurdle for practice owners. Year after year, it’s the same […]
The Duties of a Practice Marketing Coordinator

Hiring a Marketing Coordinator can be a key piece of your practice growth strategy. With a Marketing Coordinator you can free yourself, as the owner and principal doctor, of many of the worries of marketing and promotion. They can ensure that your practice is constantly presented professionally to your target audience and community, which supports […]
The Do’s and Don’ts of Practice Bonus Plans

How to Offer a Bonus Plan to Your Staff The subject of bonus plans has bewildered practice owners for quite a long time. The theory—creating an incentive for staff to do exemplary work—generally makes sense. The difficulty is in the implementation. When you tread into the realm of bonus plans, you are entering a minefield. […]
Interviewing And Selecting Employment Applicants

The personal interview represents the basic process to use for selecting the best available person for a job. Relying on the interview process for finding the right person demands that the interviewer possesses the necessary expertise for planning and conducting an effective interview. Great attention must be paid to the selection / interviewing process. By […]
How to Make More Time as a Practice Owner and Manager?

A common problem Silkin Management Group runs into with practice owners, particularly with those whose practices have grown, is that one day they’re running the practice and the next day the practice is running them. This creates a lot of stress for the executive for a number of reasons. I will address just a few of them: Practice […]
Handling Problems

In handling practice problems consider these six basic maxims: 1. Managing Control for Problem Resolution What you don’t or can’t control loses income. To the degree you are in control of these seven key areas of your practice, you will have a lower-stress, higher-income practice. To the degree you are out of control of these […]
Organization of the Practice

Organizing a Practice requires the know-how and understanding the elements of which a Practice is built. These elements include the aspects of overall Practice Management from an executive level viewpoint. The Practice Owner is primarily responsible for this and it is the Practice Owner who through good leadership accomplishes this. It is the Practice Owner […]
Some Ideas on a Job Description for a Practice Owner – Part 1

Although many clients of our clients have some form of job descriptions in their office, what they have is usually incomplete if not non-existent. And, even if they do have some job descriptions in place, we have never found a new Silkin Management Group client to have a job description for them as the practice […]